Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Operation Help the Fucking Kids

In Monday's paper there was an article on a new charity that buys presents for kids that sent letters sent to Santa via the post office. It is a pretty cool idea, but obviously easily manipulated. My first thought was how many adults are going to read this and then send in a letter requesting stuff for themselves. I went down to the Post Office to help out. They let you choose 6 letters and pick any or all of the ones you want to fulfill.

The first little girl was asking for cash. The next one was from a 6 year old with perfect penmanship. He needed a camcorder, iPod, PS2, PS3, PSP, 10 shares of Google, a Mariott TimeShare, a Mitsubishi Galant, and a 10,000 muni-bond wired to his Cayman account. I am obviously kidding, but one kid had over $1,000 worth of stuff. I did see a Camcorder, a Computer, and every game console imaginable.

Anyway, I picked up two letters. That is all I could afford. They both seemed legit. All in all, it looked like a good charity. You just need to filter the b.s.

By the way, whoever put in the Fuzzy Crap comment in the last blog is classic.


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At 3:43 PM, Blogger bloggerheads said...

We are final year Performing Arts and Theatre Studies degree students at Swansea Institute of Higher Education, Wales. As part of our final dissertation, we are required to produce a performance piece that will be performed as part of a non-profit making student theatre festival.

Our group is devising a piece of theatre based on the subject of Blogs, that we hope will take the audience on a journey through the Blogosphere. BLOGGERHEADS aim is to provide an insight into the internet community by offering an alternative visual and theatrical experience.

When researching the millions of blogs available to the world, we came across your blogs, two of which we loved. We believe the story you have told will help us to illustrate the vast diversity of blogs that can be found within the Blogosphere. All the Blogs used in the piece will be included in the program as well as a link to your Blog, which will hopefully increase readers of your writing.

We would be very grateful for you to acknowledge your support of our project. Should you wish to find out more about our project please visit, www.theswanseabloggers.blogspot.com

Thank you in advance

All involved in the BLOGGERHEADS production.


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