Thursday, December 15, 2005


My favorite pre-fix to attach to any word has alway been the word 'BUTT". For example, all of us consider the good ole' F Word to be a loyal and true friend. Through adding my cherished pre-fix however, BUTTFUCK creates an all together more powerful and juicy conotation. Uttering "fuck" is bascially an acceptable replacement for "wow". Yet most people will register a mild shock each time they hear BUTTFUCK expressed. BUTTFUCK is proactively specific and, in using it, one is not attempting to mince words. They want to be crystal clear in what they are trying to express. I would agrue that it is only a certain type of character who uses the word BUTTFUCK often, and while considered unique and courageous, these people make others slightly nervous and eventually stop getting invited to parties.
The grand-daddy of them all is BUTTHOLE. It is the most deceptively banal of all the BUTT prefixes, altogether commonplace yet joyfully disturbing at the same time. BUTTHOLE is a word who orgins are logical and obvious. Simply put, it refers to the hole in the middle of your BUTT. A normal mind chooses not to dwell on the word for too long however. Short visits are best. Every living creature on the planet rises and then goes to sleep in possesion of a BUTTHOLE daily. Yet, let's all face the facts, we are all a little scared of our BUTTHOLES aren't we? Our own BUTTHOLE forever remains an ominous portal into a dark world. Who really knows for sure what goes on just inside your BUTTHOLE? A more interesting question is, who wants to know? More individuals than we all care to acknowldege posses a forbidden curiosity about the BUTTHOLE and its frightening mysteries. Is it not fitting that Bin Laden, the world's most evil human, seems so at home within a cave? Why did the Lord of the Rings movies did so well at the box office. Think about BUTTHOLE allegory within popular culture: Land of the Lost, Yoda's swamp, Tom Hanks in Philadelphia. Dungeons and Dragons should just be called FUCKING LOVERS OF THE BUTTHOLE. Could it be that we are all searching, in our own terrified way, for our inner BUTTHOLES?


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